Nashville - Delray
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“Chris Swift is one of the best in our industry for risk management. His daily insight and understanding of long term trends and strategies have proven a valuable resource for our company. His ability to make the complicated simple is outstanding. Our company has used Chris as an educational resource to teach and train others and with great success.”
Darrell Ailshie
Former General Manager
Tennessee Livestock Producers Inc
Our Team
Mid-Day Cattle Comment
Christopher B. Swift is a commodities broker and founder of Swift Trading Company in Nashville, Tennessee. Through the years, the business name on the door has changed a couple of times, yet Chris continues to sit behind the same desk he started at 30 years ago, servicing his client’s needs.
Swift Trading produces two daily market commentaries as well as futures and options trading advice, hedging, consulting, and risk management for commercial, corporate, and individual clientele.
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Swift Trading Company
100 Westwood Place, Suite 340
Brentwood, TN 37027
(877) 863-2206 Toll-Free
(615) 844-2206 Local